The Grand Endevour

Drawn up are the plans.

Carved out in nothing but sand

Upon which all our hopes

And demons must land,

Shall sparsely interlope

Shall withstand

the most beautiful of brands

The curios minds of sickos

The mopes and Divine Popes,

 bringers of fright, bringers of delight

Bringers Of the white blind light

Gilded in gold, by animations untold

Dressed by the hounds in suits

Favored by all but the brutes

The Gold Stand

Absolute curation

Sleek metal beauties amidst barren stations

A brilliant degradation

Always to be made again

The gold stand,

Matters not to the vicious band

Of donors and thieves,

Whose den is only lightly perceived,

Whose guards somberly weave

With bent backs and broken knees

Across the floors, sending modern fleets

Of  sugar, honey, milk, and disease,

And meanwhile we beg and plead

And feebly believe


That one day

we’ll just up and leave.

Because the Internet is Beautiful and Because the Internet is Doom

It was the day after we had come back from LA and I put on the album for the 5th time in as many hours. It was intoxicating. Its just that it had so thoroughly popped a wheelie on the zeitgeist.

The doomed crooning, or the crooning of the doomed, or the crooning for the doom- it was all so eerily prophetic and poignant. Stacking boxes, and pulling from the shelves, drowning everything out, an uncomfortable and supremely odd feeling  pulsed through that chamber right under my heart, that chamber that houses all the true emotions one hold towards the world.

It felt like doom. A majestic, pinkish, light purple doom filled with ecstasy and pain and blasé cruelty and the stark nature of fate, the beautiful nature of destiny, and the unpredictable orchestration of catastrophe. 

Bar to bar, verse to verse, song to song, it was something like a colorful, highly expressive, artfully spliced and mismatched newspaper that was hyper aware of the culture it catered to. As if it held the thoughts of the culture in its palm and brought each and every single one to a separate table and took to it a magnifying class and utensils of the highest quality and poked and prodded and identified all the many components of those thoughts and then sung to them in a very deep and honest way.

Attempting to sort through the feelings, I found myself stumbling over these beautiful ideas shrouded in danger and fear and hopelessness. Found myself inevitably rushing in to the future with everyone else, thoroughly excited and utterly terrified and accepting that of course the shit house is going to go up in flames.

And then, thinking about all the beauty and tragedy becoming one, and the danger and the ecstasy and grand forces of nature raising themselves from their laurels, I realized that I had stumbled on to the apocalypse.

The great apocalyptic vision of a world careening towards the epicurean future. The great future envisioned by those who first contemplated the future. Its ultimate opulence, its destitute poverty, its vying powers, its sinister tint, its deadness, its aliveness, its power.

For always it comes down to a few simple things and always one of those few things is power.

So I don’t know what to do with this feeling in the chamber under my heart. I imagine sitting there a little oracle painting a portrait of a naked man chained up against a wall in a brothel, allowed to do nothing but watch. I imagine glorious crashes and violent drunken nights and shrieking parents. I imagine stunning meteors hurtling over the picturesque suburbs. I imagine fire raging in the wealthy hills overlooking every city the world over.  

I just know that it truly is because of the Internet.